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London Market: the quest of yield and return.

01 JUN 2012

dutourdumonde / Shutterstock.comThe Queen’s jubilee was a tremendous success. The English showed  their pride  in having Queen Elizabeth II as a monarch, and above all  their pride  in being part of this country. By  taking a closer look at English history, this national pride has always been a strong  motivating factor for political and economic choices. The persistence of English people to put their parliament’s democratic standards above all European ones, seduces international investors. 

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Lisbon area: the Brazilian dreamed home.

01 JUN 2012

CascaisSome of us may only hear about Portugal as the “PIGS country”, putting the Euro zone economy in jeopardy. But for the wealthy Brazilian family, Lisbon and its coastal area  is  a dream home.  At  a mere 2 hours’ flight from London, Europe’s major business city, Brazilian businessmen enjoy the warm climate, the beautiful city views and the streets safety of Lisbon. Families are enchanted by the beautiful coasts of Cascais and Estoril. They also are happy to put their  children in international schools of a high standard.

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Lettings market: Record rental price growth

01 MAR 2012

As 2011 was ending, the property industry was wondering about 2012 perspectives. So, at the end of the first quarter, it’s time to have an overview of the market.

From the rental figures to the stamp duties relief end, the first semester gives precious clues on the 2012 market trend.

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I moved to the neighborhood I like. All my activities were organized in a week, and I even found my favorite restaurant. Thank you for your kindness.

Student – West London

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